Cat, Cactus

Desert cat with hallucinogenic quills. A small beast.

Imagine a greenish gray bobcat with quills on its back. It stares at you in a drunken torpor.

HD: 0 Armor: none
Hit it: normal Dodge it: normal
Move: fast, climb normal  

It is immune to cactus fever. It can smell and see very well, allowing it to operate in the dark without troubles. It is also very sneaky, especially among cacti.

Attacks (1/round)

Claws. The cactus cat makes a melee attack (1D4).

Quill Spray. The cactus cat sprays a short cone with quills. Creatures who fail to dodge take damage (1) and must make a save vs poison or be poisoned with cactus fever.

Cactus Fever. Ingested or in wound: Save or be poisoned, save again every 10 minutes to cure. While poisoned, you are a drunken mess: each player names a different emotion and rolls a D20, the referee alters your actions in a dramatic way according to the emotion with the highest roll. Roll a new emotion every 10 minutes.

Random Encounter
  1. Monster: 1 cactus cat.
  2. Lair: A thicket of slashed cacti, with a strong smell of fermented sap. 1/2 chance there are 2D6 kittens.
    Omen: A cat’s drunken meow, very close.
  3. Spoor: A small beast, dead, partially eaten and covered in quills.
  4. Tracks: Bobcat tracks.
  5. Trace: A local, extremely drunk and extremely lost.
  6. Trace: Dried out quill.
Salvaging the body

If the quills are prevented from drying, you can collect the cactus fever venom in it.

D6 Symbolism

In local cultures this beast is a symbol of …

  1. Sun
  2. Gardeners
  3. Dreams
  4. Drunks
  5. Witches
  6. Sacred


The cactus cat is a cryptid from the South-Western United-State. In the myth, it gets drunk and violent on fermented cactus sap. Richard J. Leblanc Jr’s adaptation in the Creature Compendium gives it hallucinogenic quills. I say why not both? The drunken confusion mechanic is something my table would enjoy a lot. — SaltyGoo

Written on November 14, 2020